Tuesday, October 27, 2009


It's "All Hallows' Eve" again. That time of year that brings out the ghosts, goblins and monsters in each of us:-) But, the beginnings of this tradition found their roots with an ancient people, in another time, and another land an ocean away from here -- the Celts.

Wikipedia offered this information about this spooky day and the people that started the trend: The ancient Celts believed that the border between this world and the Otherworld became thin on Samhain, allowing spirits (both harmless and harmful) to pass through. The family's ancestors were honoured and invited home whilst harmful spirits were warded off. It is believed that the need to ward off harmful spirits led to the wearing of costumes and masks. Their purpose was to disguise oneself as a harmful spirit and thus avoid harm.

So don your most creepy mask and costume and make your choice...will it be trick, or will it be treat???? BWWWWWAHAHAHAHA....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August, Art and Passion

Hello, all -
It's been quite a busy summer of business, travel and rain. I've learned a lot through these un-summerlike conditions here in New England: the value of a good book, the enlightenment of an art gallery, the wisdom of friends and acquaintances, the power of discipline.
Discipline not only has provided me with the motivation I've needed through the rainy days of the past two months, but it's also been the driving force behind all of the steps I've taken with this 'fetal' business of mine. I've learned to appreciate the process and enjoy the high and low points of creativity. I've come to understand that all of us go through this ebb and flow. But the passion each of us possesses pulls us to the destiny we are intended to follow.
I saw a fantastic oil painting in a Vermont gallery last weekend. The artist laid the painting on the canvas in thick, bright strokes that pulled you into the scene. But, the most interesting thing to me was the element in the painting that didn't fit - an oversized hand. I looked at it as the key point of the painting - the subject was a worker and the hands 'pulled her through'. Very powerful.

Have a wonderful August day!


Andrea's Art Tip: Get to know your power and how you can use it in your art and your life.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Art is Happening!

It's been a long, busy summer. I've been stacking art catalyst business ideas for the fall and winter in my office waiting for the chance to get my plans in gear.

The time has come! I'll be changing this blog into the New England Artspot website it was intended to be during the month of August. The blog will still exist on the website, but the opportunities for growth with a larger website venue will be OUTRAGEOUS, and artists will have another site to display their art, and art-loving customers will have more selections to choose from. I am so THRILLED to make this happen!

Have a great day! Stay tuned for further updates during the coming weeks:-)


Andrea's Art Tip: Some say that business and art don't mix. I don't buy it (no pun itended). They are the Yin and Yang of the art marketplace. To deny one, opens a vaccum where the other should appear. It's about balance and about measuring how much you can do and how much you can leverage your skills and the skills of another to bring about a desired outcome. It's teamwork, it's collaboration, it's life. Understand your environment and identify who you need to be on your team to create, sell and market your package of skills to balance the Yin and Yang in your world...Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Art and the Senses

I came across this link and wanted to share the artist's story. Check it out - it may set you to dreaming and thinking about creating a multi-sensory experience with your art.


Andrea's Art Tip: Never stop pushing the edge. Brilliance lies around every corner!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Art Realities - 'Prepare, Survive and Thrive'

I saw this phrase used in the title of a class at the NYFA a few months ago. It made me think of the glass being half full. I liked it. Despite the bummer economy and ever increasing prices these days, the belief in and love of art will always find air, visibility, and ongoing appreciation through each generation. It's an upper that we all need to feel these days.
So, how can we make this happen? We all need a different perspective. Look at how you presented and sold art in a good economy. Is there a better way to sell? to market your works? to talk about your art? to build a broader customer base? Sure there is!
Have you reached into the technology bucket to pull out the possibilities available with podcasts, videos, tweets, facebook, bing, etc. It's amazing what technology offers for free!
Have you looked at your pricing? Is there a better way to get your art to the customer without squeezing them and hurting your wallet? What about art 'sales (2-4-1)'? what about leasing your works? creating prints while retaining the originals? creating an alternate go-2-market strategy? Dream big!
Have you looked at your existing customer base? your competion? your colleagues? your community centers? Take a look! Bring people together and create a glass that is half-full (at least!).
Breathe, Smile and Create. You will thrive:-)

Think Up and Have a Great Day!


Andrea's Art Tip: Reposition yourself and look to see the opportunities you may have missed in the past in your community, in on-line art communities, in state coucils and centers. The internet is full of so many paths for each of us to explore. So put on your Internet Safari hat and go for your own walkabout - a surprise can exist around any corner:-)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Art in Motion

...and then a site makes me smile...check it out:


Nice time lapse photography:-)

Have a great day!


Artistic License for a rainy Monday

I see tiered layers of rain through my window stepping across the landscape. Not a Nor'easter, but same look. Hard to believe it's summer when we're all layered in different degrees of warm/cool.
However, as a tribute to the rain, the trees are standing tall with very healthy Irish green jackets of leaves. The grass is a matching compliment of bladed emerald carpet. And the ducks and geese are waddling through the days with a happy wiggle to their waddle;-) A ray of sunshine could add a magic spark to the look and feel of the day. It's all good.
We were in Germany a short month ago. The raindrops found us there, too. But, only for a day. The snapshot I added to this post captures the German day, the drops and the ducks.

Andrea's Art Tip: "...But there's one thing I know, the blues they send to meet me won't defeat me, it won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me...I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin', because I'm free - nothin's worryin' me..." Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head, B.J. Thomas

I hope you keep singing in the rain!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Springtime Art Show in the Hedges

A burst of sunny yellow caught my eye as I stepped outside last week - the  forsythia had bloomed! These blossoms precede their green leaves, so it does take a focused eye to catch them at the right moment when the blossoms are solo. Although I didn't catch the blossoms early enough (you can see the green leaves beginning to show), the shrub is still a welcome sign of Spring.  Since I know how quickly these blooms disappear, I grabbed my camera to snap a picture to share on my blog.

Springtime is one of the seasons that artists thoroughly enjoy. Whether it's a flower, a shrub, a springtime vegetable, buds on trees and in hedges, it's all new and colorful after a long winter has passed. It's a new awakening with a new perspective offering artists a wide range of subjects, and offers each of us a reminder that life goes on to bring another day of beauty and possibility.

I'm hoping your day is a colorful snapshot!


Andrea's Art Tip: Carrying a small camera in your pocket, car, briefcase or purse is a wonderful way to catch these dynamic moments that may not be available tomorrow. So, grab a snapshot if the subject moves you and use it as a guide for a future artistic presentation from you.  

Monday, April 6, 2009

A Great Find - Art Video to Bring a Smile!

I saw this video posted by an artist who's blog I'm following: Artist in the Arctic.blogspot.com. Check it out. It really is a good find! Delivers a smile for a Monday morning:-)


Wishing you good things!


Andrea's Art Tip: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Art is what you make it. Give others the opportunity to see your creative side. You never know when the spirit of your work will move someone!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Art in the Grass!

I saw the first blush of Spring at my feet yesterday. Delicate crocus petals that opened with the sun while nestled in a bed of mulch and groundcover. I know that these tiny teasers will be gone soon, but it was so nice to find them as reminders that Spring does return after a long winter;-)

Have a wonderful, mahvelous day!

Andrea's Art Tip: Stopping to 'smell the roses' can provide you with opportunities to snap a stunning photo, sketch a quick representation, inspire a watercolor, oil, or sculpture. Nature delivers so many creative ideas for each of us to gather and use to develop our creative side. Take advantage of the free gift!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Art Blog Interrupted;-)

Sometimes life's events step into our paths and push us off the trail unexpectedly. That was what happened to me last week. The more I tried to get back on track, the more these unexpected 'to do's' stepped into my stride and swayed me to a different direction. I guess the expression, "Always be prepared" would be appropriate at this time;-)
I was able to jump 'back on the road again' yesterday and catch my stride. My focus zeroed in on Art Marketing Materials: business cards, correspondence, visibility tools (magnets, brochures, etc.), presentation portfolios, Search Engine Optimization (OSR). The primary point was to ensure that the newenglandartspot.com name and website is being seen quickly and easily on a web search, and by the community and art community at large. 
First off, Business Cards. I made a trip to my local printer and found that the business card designer was not available; however, I could stop back next week for further consultation. So, the next stop for me was to 'go online' and try it myself! 
I found an online service and was able to design my own card with my own artwork. Of course, it took me much longer than expected: choose the right font, choose the right colors, choose the right content, choose the right format, colored stock vs. white stock, print on one side or both sides of card, add business message or no message, upload the correct background image...whew! The site did have standard business card formats to choose from, but I wanted to keep the look consistent with the look of my web page/blog site. In the end, I liked what I created. I think I may still stop back at the local printer to make sure that this creation of mine is balanced and appealing to my target audience (very important in any marketing venture). 
I'll talk more about OSR and presentation portfolios in another post.
Have a great day! Plan for the unexpected;-)


Andrea's Tip: Online print services have a large number of services to help any artist or small business owner get their corporate identity, marketing tools, promotional materials setup. Your local print or office supply store can also provide these same services. You have the option to choose what works for you and your target audience (customer, supplier, etc.) In the end, you make the call. Go for it!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Another cold Monday

The winter does not want to leave New England! Looking to warmer days and ongoing art shows. I saw this link and wanted to share will all of you today: http://www.artshow.com/resources/artmarketing.html

This is my update and tip for today.

Enjoy and keep moving forward even when times get tough!

Have a great day!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Equinox Happenings in New England!

The New England skies are taking on a different hue: blue/pink sunrises and golden/aqua sunsets. Spring is in the air after a VERY long winter! I'm looking forward to seeing the crocuses, tulips, daffodlis and 'overall green' returning to the garden after a long winter's cold absence!

The artists in the region have also been busy. Several art shows are being advertised over the next few weeks. There is one in my town this weekend - check out the link: http://www.paradisecityarts.com/east/homeeast.html
Invigorate youself with a morning or afternoon of browsing and talking to the artists if you're in the area! 


Andrea's Art Tip - Take the time to understand who you are as an artist and pull together an Artist's Statement if you haven't already done so. It will give your viewers (potential customers) insight about you, your art, your motivations to create. It is one of the pieces of your overall Portfolio.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Taking the First Step to the Dream

It was many years ago that I decided that I wanted to open an art gallery. I loved the galleries I visited, the artists and gallery owners I met, and the paintings, sculptures, glassworks I was able to take in on weekends and vacations. Many years later, the internet is blossoming and the game has changed - art is available at the tips of my fingers, and I can roam with no mileage. Someday that online art gallery will happen! This is my first step...come along for the ride:-)