Monday, July 27, 2009

Art is Happening!

It's been a long, busy summer. I've been stacking art catalyst business ideas for the fall and winter in my office waiting for the chance to get my plans in gear.

The time has come! I'll be changing this blog into the New England Artspot website it was intended to be during the month of August. The blog will still exist on the website, but the opportunities for growth with a larger website venue will be OUTRAGEOUS, and artists will have another site to display their art, and art-loving customers will have more selections to choose from. I am so THRILLED to make this happen!

Have a great day! Stay tuned for further updates during the coming weeks:-)


Andrea's Art Tip: Some say that business and art don't mix. I don't buy it (no pun itended). They are the Yin and Yang of the art marketplace. To deny one, opens a vaccum where the other should appear. It's about balance and about measuring how much you can do and how much you can leverage your skills and the skills of another to bring about a desired outcome. It's teamwork, it's collaboration, it's life. Understand your environment and identify who you need to be on your team to create, sell and market your package of skills to balance the Yin and Yang in your world...Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Art and the Senses

I came across this link and wanted to share the artist's story. Check it out - it may set you to dreaming and thinking about creating a multi-sensory experience with your art.

Andrea's Art Tip: Never stop pushing the edge. Brilliance lies around every corner!