Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August, Art and Passion

Hello, all -
It's been quite a busy summer of business, travel and rain. I've learned a lot through these un-summerlike conditions here in New England: the value of a good book, the enlightenment of an art gallery, the wisdom of friends and acquaintances, the power of discipline.
Discipline not only has provided me with the motivation I've needed through the rainy days of the past two months, but it's also been the driving force behind all of the steps I've taken with this 'fetal' business of mine. I've learned to appreciate the process and enjoy the high and low points of creativity. I've come to understand that all of us go through this ebb and flow. But the passion each of us possesses pulls us to the destiny we are intended to follow.
I saw a fantastic oil painting in a Vermont gallery last weekend. The artist laid the painting on the canvas in thick, bright strokes that pulled you into the scene. But, the most interesting thing to me was the element in the painting that didn't fit - an oversized hand. I looked at it as the key point of the painting - the subject was a worker and the hands 'pulled her through'. Very powerful.

Have a wonderful August day!


Andrea's Art Tip: Get to know your power and how you can use it in your art and your life.