Thursday, May 10, 2012

Finding Your Best Self

I was watching one of the voice talent shows this week, and was amazed by the voice talent, and the humility and gratefulness that each singer presented to the audience. Many of these individuals had been on their own search for a long time. They were true to their schedules, held fast to their own disciplines, and created beautiful music through their passion and belief in themselves. They didn't give up, and the Universe responded.

Many of us never get the chance to test our own limits, and to challenge ourselves, and look to God, or the Universe, or your own Greater Power for support and follow-through. We all live busy lives and need to meet the financial and life needs of our families. But, what if we could take the time to find that inner self - that Beethoven or Mozart, that Degas or Warhol, that Gibran or Pirsig, you? What would we find?

Think about your best self today. Who is she? Who is he? Take them out and play. You may be surprised at the powers and talent within you!



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