Monday, June 22, 2009

Artistic License for a rainy Monday

I see tiered layers of rain through my window stepping across the landscape. Not a Nor'easter, but same look. Hard to believe it's summer when we're all layered in different degrees of warm/cool.
However, as a tribute to the rain, the trees are standing tall with very healthy Irish green jackets of leaves. The grass is a matching compliment of bladed emerald carpet. And the ducks and geese are waddling through the days with a happy wiggle to their waddle;-) A ray of sunshine could add a magic spark to the look and feel of the day. It's all good.
We were in Germany a short month ago. The raindrops found us there, too. But, only for a day. The snapshot I added to this post captures the German day, the drops and the ducks.

Andrea's Art Tip: "...But there's one thing I know, the blues they send to meet me won't defeat me, it won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me...I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin', because I'm free - nothin's worryin' me..." Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head, B.J. Thomas

I hope you keep singing in the rain!


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